Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Very StrangeHouse Christmas Review

A Very StrangeHouse ChristmasA Very StrangeHouse Christmas by Kevin Strange
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book does exactly what it set out to do. I'm glad I read most of this after Christmas because most of the stories are quite disturbing and I don't mean the sex and violence, that's nothing. It's the cruelty and insensitivity and tremendous moral flaws and offenses contained within most of the stories. Misplaced blame, existential indifference, and an abundance of vulgarity vacuum our minds into a world of hurt. Where's Rico Slade when you need him? Or Jesse "The Body" Ventura! These are mostly pitch-black narratives from minds unafraid to dampen your soul or possibly to lift it up by stark contrast. That said, Kevin Strange contributes a story somewhat akin to A CHRISTMAS CAROL but with that hentai abandon. This book should satisfy one's yuletide lust for all things bloody, moist, and terrifying.

I met MP Johnson at BizarroCon 2014 and continued to connect on Facebook. He delivered brilliant flash that was fiery but not cold. I wonder if maggots and stuffing material regularly associate themselves for him or if he had to reach for this stuff or if there's literary or cinematic precedent. Or if...? One of my favorites, either way.

If the real Santa Claus has yet to read this, I highly recommend it as it may offer insights into possible obstacles on his continuing crusade!

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