Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Dash of Bizarro Reality

Okay, this is not a bizarro post per se. This is a general editing and revision post. I recently completed a 21 page version of a story, which is mainly realist with some weird elements. I have identified areas that could be improved and things the story lacks altogether that can be weaved in. And I think I may expand it such that it is closer to 25/6 pages, where the ending would be a little less pat, more complex, and more surprising. Of course, with no story to read, you don't have a clue about what I'm alluding to, however, the process is one of refinement. I submitted the 21 page version already to a couple of programs, though one just had the deadline extended, which means I can submit an updated draft, which I did at the same program last year for different reasons. I have found that fictions usually succeeds more reliably when it is raw. I, on the other hand, am a decorator--I like things prettier, cuter, and more clever. I think the ending should be a little harder, not by much, just enough to tap into that dark place. It seems that hardships disappointments translate better on the page than joy and satisfaction, therefore, I feel my pat ending is stale and needs some spicing up by way of some loss, shadows of some kind. Wrinkles and stains boost the viability of a work immensely. My work needs to be aged.

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